Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The demand of high gain and wideband compact antenna designs are gaining importance to fulfil the need of 5G communication systems. This has opened the doors for the researchers to explore 5G antennas incorporating metamaterials as they can meet the requirement of high gain and wideband compact antennas. Overview of various metamaterial-based antenna designs including Electromagnetic Band Gap (EBG), artificial Magnetic Conductor (AMC), Frequency Selective Surface (FSS) and Partially Reflective Surface (PRS) are discussed in the paper. The paper primarily focuses on bibliometric survey of various types of 5G metamaterial antennas in terms of number of documents published, leading universities actively involved in the related research, distribution of documents in different areas, major contribution of authors and leading journal publishing the documents. Scopus database from 1st September 2014 till date is used to carry out this bibliometric survey. The statistical data presented in this paper can provide the prerequisite for the researchers to work in this area.
