Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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ResearchGate, an academic social networking site, emerged as an alternative platform among the researchers to connect and disseminate their research findings to the global research community and build chances of collaborations with researchers in overlapping areas. The present study examined the ResearchGate profiles of King George’s Medical University, Lucknow in an altmetric perspective to evaluate the scholarly publishing patterns of medical academics. The data collected by manually visiting the ResearchGate profiles of the faculty members of various departments of KGMU. The study revealed that 32 departments of KGMU having profiles on ResearchGate contributed a total of 1196 publications. The ‘BMJ Case Reports’ comes out as the most preferred and productive journal with 124 articles and 10.37% share. Four hundred eighteen (34.9%) full-text articles are available on ResearchGate out of total uploaded articles. Team research involving four or more authors is a norm in KGMU.
