Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This current study aimed at examining the impact of data mining on increasing benefits of university library in Jordanian governmental university. Researcher adopted techniques of data mining which included (Association, Classification, Clustering, Prediction, Sequential Patterns and Decision Trees). Through employing the quantitative approach and utilizing a questionnaire as a study tool, (412) responded to an online survey which primary data later on was screened and processed using SPSS v. 27th. Results of study accepted the main hypothesis as there appeared an influence of data mining in better organization flow and accumulation of library data and better develop library's services for users. Among data mining techniques, it appeared that (Sequential pattern, decision trees and Prediction techniques) were the most influential techniques on library services followed by librarians in developing library services, this was noticed through the high correlation which connected them to the dependent variable, and the remaining variables also appeared to be positive in influence with a medium correlation. Study recommended to better data mining application by responsible parties within Jordanian universities as there appeared an acceptable level of application; however, the application isn't used to its maximum capacity.
