"Research productivity on COVID-19: A Bibliometric approach" by Shiva Kumara S U, Dr. B T Sampath Kumar et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 4-2021

Document Type



The study aimed to explore the perspective of COVID-19 publications across the globe. Further, attempts were also made to find out the most productive country, author, and institute in publishing literature on COVID-19. The data related study was retrieved from SCOPUS database. Various search strategies were used to retrieve publications on COVID-19 published between 1st December 2019 and 22nd June 2020. A total of 19,991 publications on COVID-19 were retrieved from the Scopus database.

Further, it was found that Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China has produced 422 publications and received 5624 citations with an average citation of 13.327 per publication. BMJ Clinical Research Ed published 534 (1.61%) articles. Among the most productive authors, Wiwanitkit, Viroj from Hainan Medical University, China stands in the first place with 73 publications followed by Mahase, E. from the British Medical Journal, UK (52 publications) and Iacobucci, Gareth (48 publications). The study provided a relatively objective reference for peer scientists, national regimes, and the global health system. The findings of the study will definitely help the institutions as well as authors to get an opportunity to collaborate with regional, national and international research institutions and scientists.
