Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type




Purpose – The paper intends to explore e-shodhsindhu problems and barriers experienced by librarians of higher educational institutions.

Design/methodology/approach – To accomplish the objectives of the study, librarians viewpoint was collected through a well-structured questionnaire consisted several question keeping in mind the objectives of study, followed by personal interview and discussion among the consortium (e-ShodhSindhu consortium) member libraries under study. In order to strengthen the consortium practice, the opinion or suggestions provided by librarians were recorded carefully and clubbed in discussion part.

Findings – The paper discuss about the concept of consortia, its objectives and influential factors followed by consortia benefits for libraries. In addition, paper also explores librarians viewpoints with regard to consortia practice particularly e-ShodhSindhu. The paper finds the information about the archival policies followed by libraries, e-resource subscription model followed, and awareness programmes conducted by libraries under study. At the end the study suggests the ways to strengthen and maximize the use and practice of e-ShodhSindhu followed by the suggested points to establish a successful consortium.

Research limitations/implications – The study is confined to librarians experience of libraries namely Mizoram University (MZU), Aizawl; University of Delhi (DU), Delhi; Jamia Millia Islamia (JMI), Delhi; Central University of Haryana (CUH), Haryana and Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi (JNU) with special reference to e-ShodhSindhu: Consortium for Higher Education e-Resources.

Originality/value – The study is unique in its own way as e-ShodhSindhu has emerged as a result of merging three different consortia namely UGC-INFONET Digital Library Consortium, INDEST-AICTE Consortia and N-LIST, the study becomes imperative to study the impact of merging three different consortia. The study explores librarians experience about the problems and barriers faced in practicing e-ShodhSindhu: Consortium for Higher Education e-Resources. In addition, paper also concludes with suggestions to strengthen and maximize the use and practice of consortia in general and e-ShodhSindhu in particular. The paper also suggests points to establish a successful consortium that may be helpful for the member libraries.
