"Bibliometric Analysis of Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences F" by Waseem Hassan

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The major aim of this study is to evaluate the research productivity of Pakistan Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (PJPS) from 2005 to 2020. For the purpose, bibliometric analysis was performed.


From March to April 2021, the data was retrieved from Scopus, one of the largest databases in the world. journal. Later it was analyzed by MS Excel. Based on the Scopus database, this is the 1st bibliometric report about PJPS.


From 2005 to 2020, PJPS published 3301 articles. The per year publication and citation details are provided. In all publications (n=3301), 8066 authors, 6018 institutes or departments and 72 countries have contributed. Based on the number of publications, citations, and citations per documents (CPD), details about the top author, institute and country are provided. Infact, from 2005 to 2020, based on the number of publications University of Karachi and Pakistan topped the list (for each year). By Vosviewer analysis, we described the collaboration or co-authorship pattern for top author, university, and country. We also identified and analyzed the 100 most-cited articles in PJPS. Infact the detail co-words analysis of all 3301 research titles were performed. Total 9288 words were recorded. After co-words analysis it was found that various drugs and plants were tested in different pathological models. Their efficacy and mechanism of action were briefly discussed.

Conclusion: The citescore data for the last ten years are described. This suggests that PJPS holds a credible position in world ranking.
