"Indian Contribution in Covid-19: A Scientometric Mapping of Research" by Surulinathi Muthuraj, Jayasuriya T MLIS et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 4-15-2021

Document Type



The study examines India’s performance based on its publication output in Covid-19 during 2020-2021, based on several parameters, including the publications share and rank, the institutional profile of selected institutions, international collaboration profile and major collaborative partners, patterns of communication in national and international journals, Highly cited papers and most productive authors. The study uses 2 years of publications data in Covid-19 drawn from the Web of Science international multidisciplinary bibliographical database. It is interesting to note that the prolific authors belong to All India Institute of Medical Science with 489 Publications (1266 Citations), Post Grad Inst Med Educational & Res with 171 (666 Citations), Dr. DY Patil University with 85 (382 Citations), Indian Institute of Technology with 54 (349 Citations), Manipal Academy of Higher Education with 59 (279 Citations), and Banaras Hindu University with 56 (171 Citations). The most productive authors are Kumar A from Armed Forces Med College, Dept Ophthalmology, Pune (Maharashtra state) with 115 Publications and registered 372 Citations (H-Index: 10), Wiwanitkit from Dr. DY Patil Univ, Pune (Maharashtra state) with 91 Publications (411 Citations) (H-Index: 11), Kumar S from Jai Narayan Vyas Univ, Jodhpur(Rajasthan state) with 85 (421 Citations) (H-Index: 10), Gupta S with 57 (209 Citations) (H-Index: 7), Singh with 53 (175 Citations) and Sharma S with 52 (359 Citations). The most preferred journals by the scientists were: INDIAN JOURNAL OF OPHTHALMOLOGY with 143 papers (443 Citations), JOURNAL OF BIOMOLECULAR STRUCTURE & DYNAMICS with 113(1066 Citations), ASIAN JOURNAL OF PSYCHIATRY with 100 (1419 Citations), INDIAN PEDIATRICS (61), DERMATOLOGIC THERAPY (57), INDIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL RESEARCH (52), and INDIAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS (50). The most cited one is Singhal T A Review of CoronavirusDisease-2019 (COVID-19), INDIAN JOURNAL OF PEDIATRICS. 2020 APR; 87 (4): 281-286 with 604 Citations.
