Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 4-14-2021

Document Type



In automotive engineering, crashworthiness is defined as an automobile's functionality to shield its occupants from critical harm or death just in case of accidents of a given proportion. The comprehensive study observed composite materials exhibit a high specific energy absorption rate in a controlled manner while crushing. Crashworthiness research has also captured attention, especially to evaluate the energy absorbing capacity of different components made from composite material while undergoing deformation. Composite materials may be custom designed to show that specific energy absorption abilities are better than the metal structures. The present study will benefit the community of engineers resulting in a sturdy automotive system. It is observed that a total of 1458 articles are published in different forms by past researchers. Following the trend of publications in the concerned area, the last six years are the point of significant contribution, and in the year 2016, a maximum of 263 articles are published worldwide. The detailed survey revealed that a maximum of journal articles are published compared to the other relevant sources. The United States is the leading country in the concerned research area publications, followed by China and Germany. Different energy absorbing system has shown promising attributes for reducing the fatality of accidents during a collision. Still, it has a long way to achieve a system that can absorb the total energy generated during a crash.
