Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 5-1-2021

Document Type



Totally 24900 documents are retrieved from Scopus database covering from 1994 to 2018. Activity index and specialized index are deployed to study about research efforts, eminence and collaborative pattern of most prolific countries in the field of disaster management. Increasing trend of world productivity in the field of disaster management identified among most prolific countries. China and USA dominated by producing 19.88% and 19.42% of research documents and collaborated with other countries. India has attained with 5th position in the most productive countries and collaborated with 37 countries in the field of disaster management. India has higher affinity towards USA and produced 66 documents. During the study period 54.65% of articles are developed from collaborative work. International collaboration between developed and developing, under-developed countries will reduce the happening of disaster and aids the government to make policies to overcome from disasters.
