"Library and Information Resources Use by Undergraduate Students of Fed" by Micheal Olorunfemi and Deborah Adeola Ipadeola Mrs.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study examines library information resources use among undergraduate students of Federal University of Technology, Akure. Specific objectives were to; determine level of awareness, accessibility, and satisfaction derived from library information resources; the reasons, extentand challenges of using library information resources by undergraduate students. Relevant literatures were reviewed. The study adopted survey research design and the instrument used for data collection was questionnaire at the return rate of 91%. Descriptive analysis of the responses was made using tables, frequency counts, simple percentage and statistic package for social science (SPSS) research.The major findings were; that undergraduate students in FUTA uses library information resources to update knowledge, to study ahead in preparation for examination, for research purpose, for completion of assignment e.t.c; challenges in utilising library information resources were lack of awareness of the library resources, few guide to direct users to appropriate sections of the library, inadequate provision of photocopying services within the library; and lack of expertness in locating information resources in the library is preventing undergraduate students from using some information resources such as card catalogue, journals, CD-ROM and others. Undergraduate students are satisfied with the library resources, while the study also found that some library information resources are not being fully used because of lack of awareness of the resources or they do not regard them as important for their studies. Suggestions were recommended for the betterment of library services.
