Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Document Type



We wish to submit an original research paper entitled " Evaluation of Electronic reference service for online resources: A case study of SVKM's NMIMS (Deemed to be University)."

for consideration by the journal " Library philosophy and practice."

We confirm that this is an original work and has not been published elsewhere and not under considering publication elsewhere.


This case study reports the Evaluation of electronic reference services (ERS) for online resources. It tries to find out librarians' approach of electronic reference services for online resources. It tries to find out the challenges faced by librarians while providing reference services for online help. This research study concentrates on the Evaluation of the electronic reference services of NMIMS University. It also tries to determine the adequacy of the reference services provided in the NMIMS libraries. Providing electronic reference services is the best practice of libraries, and this best practice should evaluate with user's feedback which helps librarians improve their services. This study helps to understand the importance of the evaluation of reference services
