Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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The paper is on the library as information organization helping the parental body to realize the network of goals, objectives and targets. It added that for library functions to be done efficiently, the services must be automated. The paper describes automation as application of technology to produce and deliver goods and services with minimum human intervention. The work looks into library automation, overview of automation in Nigerian academic libraries. It expands on issues and practices of library automation in Nigeria academic libraries giving an insight into two universities- University of Jos Library and Hezekiah Oluwasanmi Library, Obafemi Awolowo University. The paper gives the challenges to automation in academic libraries in Nigeria as inadequate planning, budget-cut, shortage of technology, erratic power supply, shortage of competent manpower and non-ICT LIS curriculum. The conclusion is that automation is inevitable in the 21st century library services, as such Nigerian academic librarians should strive to automate the services in their libraries.