Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 4-5-2021

Document Type



This study help to the researchers and scientists of the bats in Globe.


Objectives: The paper explores five years of global research publications output on ‘Bats’. The research study includes retrievement of various types of publication, authorship pattern; most cited authors with their respective countries and Hirsch index, highly cited publications with total citations and author’s contribution, productivity and blow of leading institutions, identification of major participating countries contribution on bats and separated by continents Asia, Europe, North America, South America, Africa and Australia.

Methods: The requisite data retrieved from a renowned bibliographic database “Web of Science” published by Clarivate Analytics from 2016 to 2020 by means of searching the keyword ‘bats’, which is united with full records with cited reference. To obtain the scientometric results with citations using the softwares Histcite, VoS viewer and Biblioshiny.

Results: The global publications output on Bats research consisted of 10870 records during 2016 and 2020. The research publications inclined from 1778 published in 2016 to 2683 publications in 2020. There are 9826 institutions that contributed 2,585 journals from 162 countries published in 17 languages with a collaboration of 39655 authors. Most of the authors from China published multi authored papers and gained highest citations.

Conclusion: Bats are considered as a prime reason to spread some virus diseases like Nipha, Epola etc. so it is very much essential to ascertain the research output on bats to alarm the departments of Research and Development towards the enhancement of research.
