Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 6-21-2021

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Stephen Turner Social and Behavioral Theories Theory Development


Theories provide a foundation for science. They promote and improve research as well as provide a foundation of support for the topics being studied. This paper examined some library theories in order to gain a better understanding of how electronic resource collections are developed. The five laws of library science, selection theory, and acquisition theory are among the theories examined, with the aim of revealing who proposed them, the year they were proposed, and the theory's statement, as well as their importance for a deeper understanding of electronic resources collection development practices. The paper suggests that when selecting e-resources for acquisition, librarians should consider users' interests; librarians should ensure that e-resources are available and accessible to save library users' time; and selectors should carefully select electronic resources of proven reputation for library users without overwhelming the collection with irrelevances. In order to meet users' information needs, librarians should look beyond printed materials while providing information services. For a deeper understanding of the idea and to enrich their study, researchers exploring the field of electronic resources collection creation may combine these theories with other library theories.
