Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 5-25-2021

Document Type



This paper examined the concept of strategic planning in librarianship. This article becomes pertinent because few studies have examined academic libraries' planning documents to see how they are prioritizing among the competing issues and challenges facing them in the last two decades. This paper addresses the gap in the literature, theory and practice. The paper argued that effective strategic planning involves understanding the library domain, assessing relevant resource base and creating a shared view of the future, by asking fundamental questions such as what do libraries need to do to support excellence in service delivery and remain competitive in any academic environment?.

This paper argued that strategic planning involves gathering and processing information, identifying and evaluating options, deciding and refining objectives, formulating and implementing plans, monitoring and reviewing progress.

Through a content analysis of academic library strategic plans, the paper discovered the extent to which strategic planning principles are monitoring and addressing emerging and traditional needs of the library and its service delivery. The paper concludes that library leaders and the planning team should work together to develop an effective system for ensuring the commitment of all library staff to strategies of their libraries.
