"Bibliometric Analysis on Optimal Path Planning for Robots" by Varad Sandeep Nerlekar, Tathaagat Nihar Mamtura et al.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 5-27-2021

Document Type



Traversing from a given point to another while avoiding collision with obstacles is one of the key goals of path planning for robots [1]. Doing so in the most optimal way - the minimum total distance traveled by the robot is the objective of our study [2,3]. To do so, the algorithms implemented on the robots need to constantly map the environment or workspace in real time and subsequently create paths for the traversal in the environment without colliding with objects or obstacles [4,5]. Throughout the years, many researchers have conducted their own studies, researches and have proposed approaches for the path planning in robotics [6]. This paper surveys these approaches and presents them to the reader. This paper performs a bibliometric analysis of the relevant publications published from 2016 to 2021. The result shows that 1117 literature pieces were published in 160 journals which shows the publication diversity. There has been an increasing interest in the topic over the past few years. This paper provides some useful insights into this topic so the researchers in this field can better recognize the relevant researches and potential research partners.
