Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study presents the findings from the analysis of the competencies of seminary students of Casiciaco Recoletos Seminary, Inc. in using the library and online collections. It also presents the satisfaction level of seminarians towards the different library services provided in the library, as well as the library facilities and personnel. The study made used of descriptive statistics and analysis of variance in determining the competencies and satisfaction of the seminarians.

Results showed that the respondents have moderately competent rating in their information search and retrieval in using both the library and online collections. Also, the result revealed that in general, the seminarians are very satisfied towards the different library services provided to them, as well as towards the library facilities and the library personnel. Moreover, regardless of the numerical value, the results revealed that there is no significant difference in terms of the competence in information search and retrieval, and satisfaction of seminarians towards the library services, facilities and personnel when grouped according to year level. Lastly, the following are the interventions to develop in order to improve the competence and satisfaction of the seminarians: library tutorial, integrating technology in the library, and evaluate services inside the library.
