Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The focal objective of this study was to explore the aim of students’ interest in postgraduate study of Library and Information Science (LIS) and the challenges being faced by them by while planning and writing thesis. The quantitative research method followed by survey design was used to conduct this study. The data gathering tool was questionnaire that was adapted for data collection. The population of the study was the enrolled M. Phil and Ph. D. students who were perusing their dissertations from the library schools of the Punjab province. There were 72 students who were enrolled in M.Phil programme and 26 were registered in Ph.D. programme. The questionnaires were sent to all the students through emails and 71 (72%) questionnaires were filled out by the respondents. Frequencies, percentage, mean, standard deviation were used for data analysis through the Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). It was found that the major aim of LIS post graduate students to peruse M.Phil or PhD to achieve better employment. Many challenges were being faced by LIS postgraduate students in process of their dissertations writing. Major challenges included tough schedule of job, family responsibility, language barriers and lack of critical thinking.
