Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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This bibliometric analysis represents the fifty six years (1965-2020) research productivity of Library Resources and Technical Services (LRTS). Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) has been publishing a journal “Library Resources and Technical Services”. It is a peer-reviewed journal and continuously serving from 1957. The research having aims to highlights the research outcomes/research productivity of the journal from the last fifty six years. Data was accumulated from Web of Science (core collection). Tools such as Biblioshiny, VOSviewer and MS Excel have been used for processing and data analysis. The assessment is based on various occurrences such as types of documents published, year wise distribution of documents, most productive authors, authorship pattern, organizations’ contribution in publications, most productive countries, keywords used and highly cited articles. The study concludes the analysis in a statistical form and it enables the researchers to get updated information about the journal of Library Resources and Technical Services at one page. This study also facilitates the people who want to know that which type of publications publishes in LRTS.