Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 7-15-2021

Document Type



The present study analyses the articles published in DESIDOC Journal of Library and Information Technology (DJLIT) and SRELS Journal of Information Management, the leading UGC-CARE enlisted Indian journals in the field of Library and Information Science (LIS) during the year 2016-2020 which explores the volume wise, issue wise pattern of distribution of articles, authorship pattern of articles, geographical distribution of major contributions and contributors, state wise distribution of articles from India, reference distribution pattern and its authorship pattern. The study reveals that DJLIT (277) has more publications than SRELS Journal (248) during the mentioned period. DJLIT has got maximum contribution under two authorship pattern of articles 132 (47.65%) than SRELS Journal with 121 (48.79%) during the study period. DJLT has got more contributions from India (82.07%) than SRELS (89.24%). DJLIT has got more numbers of foreign countries (15) than SRELS Journal (8). New Delhi emerged at top position with 74 (32.56%) contributions and 156 contributors in DJLIT. B. M. Gupta contributed the highest number of articles publication (12) in DJLIT during the period of study. Maximum references are cited in DJLIT (5906) than SRELS (3974) and authors are likely to cite joint authored articles in their references than singled authored.
