Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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YouTube is one of the largest social media platforms. In 2005 YouTube had started its journey, and today it has 2.3 billion users. After pandemic new normal situation people are very much dependable on YouTube. People watch share, comments and likes on videos transferred by the maker. The current investigation aims to look at the attributes of YouTube videos identified with Moodle e-learning software. In this Pandemic condition it is open-source advanced e-learning software utilized in numerous Institutions. In this study we found 560 videos found related to Moodle.

Researchers find that out of 560 Moodle videos, 76 % HD and 24% SD videos. Also, show that 504 videos have sound and 56 videos have not sound. In the examination additionally showed that the vast majority of the video are identified with the prologue to Moodle and Moodle installation. The investigation additionally talked about the length of videos and top fifteen (15) views, comments and likes, dislike videos identified with Moodle and also found more videos on Moodle from various channel IDs according to the user's point of view. The investigation saw that the Moodle installation videos uploaded by YouTubers having a more significant influence on people.
