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The main aim of the study is to analyze the different quantitative aspect of the journal, Information and Organization, which includes: year wise growth of articles, authorship pattern of articles, collaboration index, degree of collaboration, geographical distribution of the research output, productivity and ranking of authors etc. A scientometric analysis of the international journal ‘Information and Organization’ was conducted based on the articles published in the journal during 2003 to 2017. It covers 193 articles contributed by 407 authors from 138 institutions of 28 various countries. We have used several scientometric tools to see the different aspects of the journal. We identified the year wise distribution of articles, authorship patterns, and geographical distributions. In addition we have identified productivity of authors; most productive organisation.The study has the following findings: the US is the most productive country. Most of the articles are written by multiple authors. In 15 years, total 193 articles were published in the journal Information and Organization by various researchers/scientists and also it can be seen that the maximum no of articles (18) published in the year 2013 with AGR 20%. The overall AAPP and PPA was 2.10, 0.47 respectively during the period 2003-2017. The highest number 28 (14.50%) of publications were published in the subject of IS/IS development/Gender & IS/ IS Project management/ IS & sustainability research/Health information System/IS security. Most prolific authors were Kalle Lyytinen from Sweden and Neil Pollock from UK. The research trend was towards ICT and Information Systems.
