Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The study has been made on selected three departments of pure science research scholar and teachers’ information seeking behavior in Burdwan University and to find out the various aspects of information seeking behavior, (i.e., motivation, various library visits and spending times, and resources used, satisfaction level, success rate of seeking information resources etc.).


This study encompasses on research scholars and teachers in pure science departments (i.e. Chemistry, Physics and mathematics of the University Burdwan. The online Google form questionnaires were disseminated to teachers and research scholars in three science departments in Burdwan University. Out of that 186, 154 research scholars and 32 teachers of three pure science departments have returned at the response rate of 63.7%. The received data have deduced through Statistical Package in Social Sciences (SPSS) (Version - 25) and presented in charts.


In this brief outline, the study reveals the information seeking behavior process of teachers and research scholars of the three science departments (chemistry, physics and mathematics) in Burdwan University. The study founds the various aspects of (motivation, various library visits and spending times, and resources used, satisfaction level, success rate of seeking information resources, etc.) information seeking behavior of the scholars and teachers. Library is the backbone of the University. Results of the study suggest user centric library infrastructure, collection development and services can pivotal decision making for policy makers to help for the betterment of services to the users of the Burdwan University.
