Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Spring 12-15-2020

Document Type



Since 2015, all countries that are members of the United Nations have participated in one of the programs to support human and environmental benefit, Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Indonesia as a member of the United Nations supports the course of the program with the release of Presidential Regulation No. 59 year 2017 in which all institutions and ministers follow tpb in accordance with their respective basic duties. The National Library of Indonesia is one of the institutions affected by the regulation. As a building library and network between libraries in accordance with Law No. 43 year 2007 on Libraries, Perpusnas RI has a program to support SDGs named “Social Inclusion-Based Library Transfomation” which is the revitalization of all public libraries of cities / districts and villages in order to implement social inclusion. This research method uses a qualitative approach with case study method. Data retrieval is done by interview techniques and documentation. The results of this study show that Perpusnas RI has carried out activities in accordance with its role in Law No.43 year 2007 and realized a social inclusion-based public library. Attention to all layer of society goes to those who are potentially marginalized, such as diffable people, women, and low-income communities. However, there are some impact that have not been reviewed further, such as to PLWHA, former drug sufferers, as well as minorities like ethnic, racial, and interstellar. Related to SDGs, there are 6 Goals that relevant National Library of Indonesia’s program.
