"Testing Lotka’s Law and Pattern of Author Productivity in the Maharash" by Priya Suradkar and Dattatraya Kalbande

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This study aims to analyze the productivity patterns of authors in Health Science using publications indexed in Maharashtra University of Health Services (MUHS) Consortium from 2001 to 2013 based on Lotka’s Law. Lotka’s Law of scientific productivity provides a platform for studying inequality in authors’ productivity patterns in a given field and over a specified period. This study covers all the journal articles on Health Sciences over a period of Ten years (2001-2013) in Maharashtra University of Health Services (MUHS) Consortium, of which 20724 articles were reported to have been published during this period. The findings of the study reveal that in the productivity distribution for authors on the subject of Health Sciences/Medicine, only co-authors and non-collaborative authors’ categories fit in the Lotka’s Law, whereas all-authors and first-author categories differ from the distribution of Lotka’s inverse square law. The Lotka’s law on authorship productivity of E-Journals of health Science has been tested to confirm the applicability of the law to the present data set. A K-S test was applied to measure the degree of agreement between the distribution of the observed set of data against the inverse general power relationship and the theoretical value of α = 2. It is found that the inverse square law of Lotka follows as such.
