Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 7-14-2021

Document Type



The article is dedicated to the study of the current state of regional print periodicals in the media space of Kazakhstan. At present, there emerged new types of media with which print press compete. To attract the readership to print press, it is necessary to carry out serious transformations. The concept and distinctive features of the modern regional press are considered. The key trends characteristic of the Kazakhstan market of periodical press, including the fall of market volume, the transition of print mass media and the Internet space are identified. The author provided an analysis of the problems arising in the transition of a periodical to the Internet space. The study was conducted on the example of a large regional newspaper of Kazakhstan Semej Tangy, which in accordance with market tendencies, began to develop on the Internet network. In particular, the content analysis, which allowed to determine the position of the publishing house in the market of information resources, is conducted. The article presents the results of an expert survey on the evaluation of news websites of Kazakhstan, among which the studied publishing house occupies a high position. The article analyses the results of a survey of potential consumers representing the Kazakhstan youth aged 18 to 34 years who are potential consumers of information services in the Internet space. The results of the survey allowed to make a conclusion about the most popular ways to obtain the information (articles on the Internet and social networks) and identify interesting news topics (incidents, politics, culture) and the factors determining the choice of means to obtain news information (accessibility and efficiency). This allowed to determine the directions of improving the website of the regional newspaper. Besides, for positioning the newspaper, recommendations on introduction of new rubrics which will allow to distance from competitors were proposed. Also, it applies to such sections as About People and The Main for the Month. The proposed recommendations will form a new target audience of the newspaper and will not allow it to get lost among similar Internet websites.
