Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln
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This paper describes the transactional patterns of Ebook Library (EBL), one of the aggregator platforms owned by ProQuest, e-book titles at the Edith Cowan University (ECU), Western Australia to know the way and extent of usage. This study is longitudinal, involving three years’ worth of EBL usage data, investigating information seeking behavior by scholarly users of e-books employing statistical log analysis of the metadata datasets (logs) that describe e-book use.
This study compares three years’ transaction logs for EBL e-book titles used by the ECU community. The metrics used include aggregate trends, views, minutes spent, titles used, users, academic calendar, sessions, searches, and item type. This paper may be useful for librarians to make evidence-based informed decisions while selecting the e-book acquisition model of aggregator/supplier platforms. The e-book researchers may also find this paper useful to explore further metrics of e-book user behavior.
The author has extracted this article from his PhD dissertation available at the Edith Cowan University website.