"Records and Archives Legal and Policy Frameworks in Uganda" by Constant Okello-Obura

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Published in Library Philosophy and Practice (2011) 11 p.


Records and archival materials are the indispensable foundation of the accountability process in any democratic society. Without reliable and authentic documentary evidence underpinning all essential accountability processes, government, civil society and the private sector cannot ensure transparency, guarantee accountability or allow for the exercising of good governance (Schenkelaars and Ahmad 2004). However, the management of these records and archives cannot be practically achieved without proper legislative backings. As noted by Chibambo (2003), a good records management framework consists of information-related laws, policies and programmes, records management standards and practices, and the necessary qualified human resources to implement and manage the systems. Unfortunately, many countries in developing countries have either weak laws or inactive legislative provisions to promote good records, information and archives management. Secondly, not much effort have been made to engage legal and policy makers on the need and value of functional legal and policy provisions for records and archives management. This study based on literature review makes analysis of the existing legal and policy frameworks that support the management of records and archives in Uganda. The weaknesses in the legal and policy frameworks are highlighted. The paper concludes by proposing viable legislative provisions that will help generate debates among LIS professionals, government and legislators especially in developing countries and Uganda in particular.
