Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The present study attempts to find the relationship between personal characteristics and job motivation among Library and Information Science (LIS) professionals working in university libraries. The factors analyzed for studying job motivation are interest in work, co-workers, promotion and growth, good pay, opportunities for higher studies and training, qualification and advancement. Personal characteristics such as gender, age, qualifications, experience, the scale of pay, and membership in the professional bodies are analyzed with job motivation. The primary data for the study was collected through designing a structured questionnaire. The respondents of the study are two hundred and sixty-six LIS professionals working in the eight-state universities in the Indian state of Kerala. Kruskal Wallis test was used for analyzing the relationship between personal characteristics and job motivation. The study found that all the factors are playing a decisive role in job motivation. The study indicates that the personal characteristics influence the job motivation of LIS professionals and organizational climate in libraries. The present study will significantly contribute to managing libraries, decision making, determining LIS professionals' performance, adopting the motivational technique for libraries, and accelerating academic library services.
