Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 8-31-2021

Document Type



Libraries and librarians are valuable assets for promoting medical services, education, and disaster management practice and training. This paper, therefore, seeks to integrate librarians’ role into the Ebola response incident management model of Nigeria for a better Ebola outbreak preparedness. The model comprises six major components of Epidemiology/ Surveillance; Case Management & Infection Control; Infection and Prevention Control; Social Mobilization; Laboratory Services; Point of Entry; Management and Coordination. The study revealed the significance and relevance of librarians in the management of health disasters by clearly demonstrating their impact on each stage of the Ebola management model in Nigeria. The research defined librarians' responsibilities in the battle against deadly infectious diseases like Ebola in each element of the model. Libraries and librarians can be effective partners in combating Ebola disease outbreaks specifically when integrated fully into the Ebola Response Incident Management Model in Nigeria.
