Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 7-27-2021

Document Type



According to the Western empiricists, an awareness or familiarity gained by experience is knowledge (Hume: Noonan 1999). Knowledge is the sum total of information conserved by civilizations and education is enriched by knowledge. Education is one of the paramount ways for the achievement of women empowerment. Women empowerment is one of the most challenging steps in surmounting the hindrance in a woman’s life that will finally enhance her qualities to contour her life and society. Women empowerment is integral to the achievement of all millennium development goals. Undoubtedly, the role of education in women empowerment is predominant and it has to be spread among women. So, we need to understand the importance of women’s education. In order to encourage education for women the Government of West Bengal has introduced Kanyashree Prakalpa (K.P) Public Service Scheme in 2013 to provide financial assistance of Rs. 25,000 to the girl children for improving their studies. The main aim of this scheme is to reduce dropout from schools and prevent child marriage all over the state. With the help of this assistance the girl children of West Bengal made themselves empowered in different sectors such as Self Employed Tailoring, Assistant Beauty Therapist, General Duty Assistant, and Domestic Data Entry Operator and in various other sectors. The Public Libraries have a great role in achieving women empowerment by disseminating information of education, skill development training, jobs, agricultural and business related news etc towards girl children. The purpose of this study is to reconnoitre the possibilities of women empowerment through the public libraries.
