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Date of this Version

Summer 8-1-2021

Document Type



The corresponding author of the paper is Dr Shazia Manzoor,Associate Professor,Department of Social work, University of Kashmir


In Kashmir, business is one of those spheres where women lag behind men because it is still considered to be a male preserve. However with high unemployment rates in Jammu and Kashmir, younger educated women are starting their entrepreneurial enterprises. The use of ICT in these enterprises is crucial in this era of digitalization and it has changed the overall scenario of doing business.

This paper has used the qualitative research approach to explore and analyze the experiences of the women entrepreneurs with respect to the use of ICT in their business ventures. Women entrepreneurs owning and managing a micro enterprise were taken into the study. The study has used an interview method for data collection. Indepth interviews were conducted with the participants. The study has used inductive thematic analysis for the generation of the results. Two main themes have emerged from the study. The themes along with the respective sub- themes are:

1. Merits of using ICT (better communication among the workers, improved workplace efficiency and cost reduction, recruitment of indigenous and talented workers, innovation and strategic thinking, better outreach to the potential consumers).

2. Barriers in using ICT (Cost of implementation, interrupted internet services, digital frauds and ICT literacy).

Key Words

Women entrepreneurs, experiences, Information and Communication Technologies

Included in

Social Work Commons
