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The Editor-in-Chief

Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)

Sub: Submission of Manuscript for Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal)


Paper Title: Awareness of E-resources among the College Students in Assam: A Study

Dear Editor,

With reference to the above, please find my submission of the paper for possible publications in the Library Philosophy and Practice (e-journal). I have read the “Author Instructions” of the journal. I hereby affirm that the content of this manuscript is original. Furthermore, it has been neither published elsewhere fully or partially nor any language nor submitted for publication (fully or partially) elsewhere simultaneously. Please find the manuscript and cover letter in the attachment. Kindly acknowledge the receipt of my manuscript.

Thanking you with Regards

Dr. Anupam Chanda


Bahona College, Jorhat, Assam, India



Scopus Author ID: 57211170475


Overview: Electronic resources are becoming more and more imperative and valuable for the academic community. This is a matter of concern, as presently, electronic resources and the internet are considered extremely important tools for effective teaching and research. Many users need to know the complete potential of electronic resources. Nowadays college students are using more and more e-resources but all those e-resources are not authentic as most of them are directly access the e-resources by using the Google search engine.

Purpose: The purposes of the study are to explore the level of awareness of e-resources, their usage pattern, how frequently college students use the e-resources. The study also tried to reveal the perception of college students on the use of electronic resources, the challenges faced by them while using electronic resources, and their level of satisfaction with using the e-resources.

Methodology: The study adopted a descriptive survey design and a well-designed online questionnaire was used to collect data. The respondents were college students from various colleges in Assam. The questionnaire was administered among college students to collect the necessary primary data, keeping in view the objectives of the study.

Findings: The major findings of the study are 52.81% of the respondents are highly aware of the e-resources. E-books are the highly used e-resources. The smartphone is the most used device for accessing e-resources as replied by 87.29% of the respondents. 53.49% of the respondents stated that they are highly satisfied by using e-resources.
