Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The pressure experienced by any working professional in their working surroundings called occupation stress is the reaction when characteristics and working conditions do not match with capacity, resources, environment, and needs of the professionals. LIS field is basically a core service sector and LIS professionals are also suffering with certain stressors. physical or psychological suffering caused by stress reduces the man-hours, indirectly reflects in productivity. library professionals experience constant changes in technology, fraction in the budgetary allotment, extensive workload, public dealing all above can make side effect of internal stress. The current study attempted to identify certain stressors and their influence on social, physical and psychological parameters among the LIS. The study finds that there are several factors affecting the performance of professional and gap between the acceptation and performance cause the stress. i.e. job profiles, job satisfaction, job security, lack of reward & promotion policy, information resources, latest technologies and equipment, patrons need and behavior, colleague’s relationship, administrative support, cast bias, gender inequality, and many more experienced by professionals. These stressors cause the side effects, designated as the impact of stress on professionals i.e. physical, psychological, behavioral, resistors in work efficiency or personal and social life. occupational Stressors equally affect male and female professionals; however, on certain point the ratios of stress between both vary. males facing more psychological challenges compare to female professionals. The individuals, and organizational motivational and supportive attempts towards the encouraging & balanced working environment development to overcome the issue of stress.
