Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Purpose:The study focused on the contents evaluation of university library websites in Northern, Nigeria.

Design/methodology/approach:This study adopted analytical survey method to collect data from the fourteen private university libraries websites.

Research limitation(s): Public (State and Federal)Universities are not part of the study.

Key finding(s):The result revealed that most of the private university libraries in Northern part of Nigeria have not enriched the content of their library websites. And a good number of the libraries websites are poorly designed and outdated.

Practical implication(s): The findings of the study has made it possible for university libraries to understand their short coming and improve on the development and redesigning of their library website contents.

Contribution to knowledge: It would be a great contribution to the existing body of knowledge on website creation and development in general and content development of university library websites in particular, as there are limited research conducted so far.
