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The purpose of this paper is to evaluate Nigerian job search websites using ‘Alexa Internet’ a subsidiary company of which provides commercial web traffic data. It is one of the most well known tools for evaluating websites that offers a free-of-charge evaluation service. This study has been carried out using webometric methods. The 19 leading Nigerian job search websites were taken for evaluation. Each job search website was searched in Alexa databank and relevant data were collected, tabulated and analysed using Microsoft Excel worksheet. The outcome of this study shows that Hot Nigerian Jobs has the highest number of links, highest number of average pages viewed per day and highest traffic rank in both local and global. The fastest downloading speed goes to Career24. Jobemy has the lowest bounce percentage and highest percentage of Nigerian users. Jobberman with the highest estimated daily time spent on site by the visitors. The highest percentage of visits that came from search engines is for Job Center Nigeria. Just Jobs has the highest number of foreign users. Overall, Hot Nigerian Jobs performed credibly well with respect to most of the attributes in comparism with its other counterparts. Recommendations were therefore made, based on research findings.
