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To examine and evaluate the use of e-journals covered under DRDO e-journals consortia by the Bengaluru based DRDO lab scientists. This study is beneficial for the administering/implementing body (DESIDOC) of the DRDO e-journal consortium, improving access to e-journal service based on the results and suggestions. Analyses revealed that the majority of the users are well aware of e-journals and consortia and consult them for research and development, finding relevant information for the projects, and update their subject knowledge. The study findings reveal that the lack of free Wi-Fi connectivity slows downloading were reported the barriers linked to access of e-journals, whereas other deficits like limited access to PCs and lack of training/guidance are also significant impediments for accessing e-journals. This paper will help strengthen the utilization of e-journal services and effectuate the demands and needs of researchers all over DRDO labs in India.
