Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Fall 9-7-2021

Document Type



The research has been conducted about the impact of open educational resources among students and research scholars of Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi. It is to find out the awareness about the OER, their participation in OER resources, the advantages, disadvantages and also to identify barriers faced by students and research scholars while using the OERs. Data was collected by conducting the online survey using well-structured questionnaire on google forms from 190 respondents (DU 75 and JNU 115). It was analysed by using Microsoft excel. It is found that respondents are positive towards OERs and helped the students and researchers’ for performing better learning method. It also helped in increasing the quality of education provided by OERs. Also motivates everyone to move forward with the upcoming technologies. There is no significant relationship between the university awareness about OER as students / researchers. The frequency of access and the nature of OERs downloads were asked in the questionnaire. Most of them access regularly and they download research articles and text documents more compare to other resources. It also identified some of the advantages and disadvantages of using OER by scholars. Some of the barriers were also identified from the questionnaire. The study is limited only with the students and research scholars of Delhi University and Jawaharlal Nehru University. It is suggested that LIS professionals may take as challenge and understand the significance of OERs and impart information literacy training time to time to the academic community.
