Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 9-12-2021

Document Type



. The electronic resources are also known as online information resources covering bibliographic databases, electronic reference books, search engines for full text books, and digital collections of data. At present, the libraries actively procure, organize, display and issue e-forms of books, journals, newspapers, theses and dissertations .In this study, the researcher analyzed the electronic resources usage among the Library science students of Kashmir. Further, the paper aims to highlight the problems faced by Library science students in accessing e-resources, their opinions on feature of e-resources, and their views on usefulness of e-resources compared to that of conventional sources. Because of Covid19 Web-based questionnaire was adopted Open ended and structured questionnaires were used together with an interview schedule and observation to collect data.. Total response collected for the study is 196.The results of the study show that the respondents have an average level of e-resources usage skills, particularly on awareness about many available e-resources. The study shows the awareness and usage of latest technology to access e-resources such as smart phone applications /mobile applications. The study reveal that most of the respondents prefer smart phones i.e. 152 (77.55 )
