Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 9-16-2021

Document Type



To be published


The study investigated information literacy skills acquired by postgraduate students of National open University of Nigeria (NOUN), Makurdi study center. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The sample size used for the survey was 842 postgraduate students from the eight faculties in NOUN, Makurdi study center. The instrument for data collection was the questionnaire .standard deviation and mean scores were used in analyzing the data collected and hypotheses was tested using the pearson correlation test analysis at 0.05 level of significance. The result of the findings shows that NOUN postgraduate students in Makurdi study Center can actually tell when they need information; locate information, access needed information from print and electronic sources but do not know how to use many reference sources and other truncating search techniques. The study further revealed that students acquire information literacy skills through library orientations, sensitization and the use social media but not through library week, user education course and online tutorial on the library website as one would have expected it to be. The study concluded that there is need for emphasizing on information search skills as an integral part of the search and utilize information effectively. Also based on the findings of the study, the research concluded that, information literacy skills be made available for all postgraduate students of National Open University of Nigeria.
