Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The major objective of the study was to explore methods adopted by library professionals of South Punjab to acquire ICTs competencies. The population of the study was all the universities of South Punjab, Pakistan. Purposeful Sampling was applied by the researchers. The tool of the questionnaire was formed to gather data from the participants. The findings of the study show that the respondents of South Punjab sectors' libraries used tele/video conferencing methods, LIS schools, self-study, and tours of other institutions for acquiring ICT skills. The study discovered that respondents faced problems during acquiring ICT competencies included tight working schedules, lack of scope for library professionals due to ICT applications, lack of initiative from professional associations to conduct specialized training programs. The respondents of South Punjab sectors' libraries also faced limited opportunities, lack of power interruption of electricity, library professionals are not interested to learn ICT, and higher authority is not interested to send their librarian to upgrade their ICT skills during acquiring competencies in ICT. The study recommends methods to cultivate ICTs expertise among library professionals to initiate smart services in university libraries. Recommendations of the study are of great value for the policymakers and decision-making personalities.
