Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 8-10-2021

Document Type



During the Covid-19 period electronic resources particularly open access resources were the only source of information for the research students in order to complete their work timely. This present study enquires awareness and use of open access resources during the Covid-19 lockdown period in the years 2020 and 2021. Questionnaire method was adopted to collect the desired data. A total of 180 valid samples were collected and used for data analysis. The result of the study indicates that majority of the respondents were aware and used open access journals, Institutional repositories, consortium based resources, etc. during the lockdown period. Majority of them accepted that open access would lead to easier accessibility of electronic documents. The research students were availed and used all the academic resources, which were within their reach and they suggested to enhancing library services for them to avoid such crisis in future.
