Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Managing the modern library means seizing upon this technological and cultural shift, and transforming these challenges into positive opportunities. The success of this evolution will be contingent on the creation of inspiring and attractive services for libraries’ collections, activities, and spaces. Thus, this study seeks to investigate these new inspiring services and non-traditional activities through the web portals of libraries from different countries all around the world. The research follows the documentary approach based on subject-related studies, and navigating libraries’ web portals, to determine their activities. The study focused on many concepts related to innovative services, sustainable information development and societal integration. Hence, the study presents the experiences of a selection of libraries around the world where these services and activities have been successfully implemented. The researcher, having gathered and analyzed the documents, made a set of recommendations to library workers including: a) constructing a broad public vision for the transition of community libraries from their traditional role providing information to a more comprehensive role in serving societies educationally and culturally, b) promoting sustainable information development strategies for all groups within society without marginalizing any category, c) understanding the local dynamics of communities by collecting necessary data on population, demographic categories, types of cultures, standard of living, and refugee movement to build studies that accurately identify community needs, d) bridging the knowledge gap and digital divide by enhancing partnership among individuals and institutions, and e) establishing partnerships with governmental and non-governmental organizations with a view to launching volunteer programs, grants, and training workshops to overcome barriers of cultural isolation or culture shock.

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