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The present study depicts the growth of literature on electronic resources. In this regard, 2274 publications were collected from the Web of Science database from 1989 to 2018. The study attempts to measure year-wise and five-year block-wise distribution of publications using relative growth rate and doubling time, collaborative index, collaborative co-efficiency, and degree of collaboration. The highest number of publications, i.e., 472, was published in the 6th block 2014-2018. The sole author-produced 56.42% (1283) of the total publications, and double authors posted 19.48% (443). Authors from the USA have contributed the maximum number of publications compared to the other countries, and India stood 16th ranking in terms of productivity in this study period. The most prolific author authors Barker P, Korat O, and Tenopir C, contributed the highest 12 (0.53%) publications in e-resources literature, followed by Huang YM with 11 (0.48%) publications. Collaboration Index ranges from 1.53 (first block) to 2.72 (sixth block) with an average of 1.95 per joint authored paper, which implies the research team falls between 1 and 2 in the e-resources literature. Pennsylvania Commonwealth System of Higher Education PCSHE is a positively contributed institution with 40 publications, followed by the University of London (UK) with 33 publications.
