Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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This paper is an up-to-date literature review study about Adoption of Open Source Software in Libraries. Through this paper an effort has been made to identify the research gaps regarding open source software adoption among libraries so as to provide insights to future researchers to fill those gaps.



The present study is a literature review and its analysis part of a larger research work i.e. “Issues and Challenges of Using Open Source Software in Private Business Management Education Institutions Libraries of Noida & Ghaziabad Region”. Authors through this study have tried to identified the already published research work related to Open Source Software from different perspectives emphasizing of Indian context in particular.


This is a literature review study and hence methodology adopted is to consult all possible sources of literature and particularly secondary literature including papers published in journals, magazines, conferences’ proceedings, websites and/or blogs articles. Dissertations, theses and books published related to the topic are all including in the literature review to have comprehensive view of the research already conducted related to the subject. Analysis of existing literature is done to understand key findings and areas for future research.


Authors analyzed that a lot of work has been done related to origin, history and details of open source software, various types of open source software used in libraries. Lot of literature is available on open source software used for library management and for developing digital libraries, however, very less work has been done by researchers to study any correlation between open source software adoption and gender and age of the librarians.

Research implications:

The present study would serve as a comprehensive background study on open source software use in libraries and provide new thrust areas for budding researchers that they can work upon.
