Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Summer 9-30-2021

Document Type



The paper visualized on the research trends in the literature of knowledge Organization and Management which reflected in SCOPUS database by the quantitative analysis. This study analysis the literature growth rate by relative Growth analysis (RGR) and the rate of publication of the research literature by Doubling time (Dt), also give a visualization on authorship pattern by the Collaborating and coefficient authors. To the achieve of the objective of the study, retrieved the bibliographical data from the SCOPUS database use the keyword “Knowledge organization” OR “Knowledge Management” in the .csv format. After retrieving the data, systematically organize and process data by scientometric formula. This study reveals the growth of publication on Knowledge Organization and Management is polynomial trends, then it explains in Relative Growth rate (RGR) and Doubling time (Dt) that is 1.05 and 1.46 as respectively. Finally, this study explores that more collaborative works has been done by the authors it is explain by Collaborative Index, Degree of Collaboration and Collaborative co-efficient
