"Library Role in Promoting Moral Values in Nigerian Education" by Odion Evans KAKULU Mr and David O. Okhakhu Mr.

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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The study examines the role of the library in promoting moral value in Nigeria education. Based on the findings, the paper reveals that lack of functional libraries in school systems to educate, inform plays a significant role as the cause of moral crises which lead to the erosion of our moral values and emergence of other vices such as Boko Haram, kidnapping, corruption and bad leadership that create setback in Nigeria economy. The paper investigated moral value, library in education and library as primary agents of moral restoration in Nigeria education. The paper also considers morality as a tool for moral upbringing of the child while the roles of library in education were also x-ray. The study revealed the low rate of morality and unethical behaviors in Nigeria. The paper suggested the use of library in moral education and principles to be taught at every stage of education both in private and public school in the Nigeria.
