"Digital platforms & online teaching-learning: Hobson’s choice in times" by Asif Khan Dr and Sumeer Gul

Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Covid 19 has forced the entire world into an abyss of vulnerability. Almost every aspect of human life has been extremely affected. Among the important ones is Education. More than 1.57 billion learners across the globe have been affected by the closure of universities and schools, as per UNESCO. This is an unprecedented and precarious situation. Education, all over the world has faced the brunt and governments are grappling with this pandemic. In this situation, the onus of responsibility is on teachers, academicians to try and provide crucial support to help continuation of the teaching-learning process. Although universities, colleges, schools have moved very quickly to online mode of education but still more effective measures have to be taken to help students with their education. There is still more to be done and can be made possible by utilizing online services, OERs (open educational resources), online media, digital media, software, etc. The online available tools can be effectively put to use to create and share learning modules with students. Many reputed world organizations have made their online platforms available so that education does not fall a victim to this pandemic. These tools are easily available on the Internet and are accessible anytime anywhere on several devices. The paper attempts to analyze the effect of Covid-19 on education and review and discuss different online platforms, which could be explored more operatively to benefit the student community in the current situation. Also, analyze various weaknesses and disadvantages of this type of teaching-learning.
