Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


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Automation has become a very integral aspect of modern libraries. Automation of libraries is designed to replace traditional libraries with its numerous challenges, specifically for public libraries in Ghana. This study was conducted by reviewing different papers on prospects and challenges of library automation globally and specifically narrowed to Ghana. From the study, it was revealed that the main problems of automating libraries have been categorised under four main headings which are; No automation problem, pre automation problem, automation problem, and post automation problem. Other problems revealed were poor construction of databases, lack of provision of information literacy education among patrons, poor usage of online information resources among others. The study further sought to identify the potential benefits of automating public libraries in Ghana which were the availability of more resources to patrons, deployment of inventory libraries, reduce manual labor, and increased rate of patron’s access to catalogs. It was recommended that funds must be allocated to automate public library systems, encouragement of practical hands-on workshops, review progress on areas of digitisation, planning, and consultation from other automated libraries, and employment of computer mastery databases.
