Libraries at University of Nebraska-Lincoln


Date of this Version

Winter 9-12-2021

Document Type



This study analyses the awareness and use of open access scholarly resources by research scholars of Bangalore University. A total 97 research scholars are selected from Bangalore University. A structure Questionnaire used as tool to collect the primary data. The results show that most research scholars 92.7% are aware and use of open access scholarly resources. The study also revealed that majority of the research scholars 61.85% used OA journals. Comparatively less percentage of research scholars used E-books 46.39% , The study also found that 47.42% of research scholars used open access resources Daily and 30.92% respondent used open access resources weekly. The study results revealed that majority of research scholars 67.01% used open access scholarly resources for research work, whereas 62.88% of them used it to publish clear from the study that the usage of open access journals is high among the various types of open access scholarly resources by the research scholars of Bangalore University.
